The Study Habits Inventory Key
(1) Evaluate your study habits on a scale of 0-36, evaluate your reading habits on a scale of 0-25, and evaluate your writing habits on a scale of 0-17, where the highest number is the best, and 0 is the worst. Write down your estimates for later use.
(2) Print-out the questionnaire below.
(3) Answer the questions as honestly as possible. You will not turn in the questionnaire, nor will you need to report the numeric score. So, you will benefit most from this questionnaire if you answer honestly.
(4) Click on the link at the bottom of the page to go to the key to see the values for each answer. Write down the point numbers for your answers to each of the questions. Add up your points to determine your scores for each section based on your answers.
(5) Compare your actual scores to your initial estimates. Were your actual scores higher or lower than your estimates?
(6) Read each of the explanation sections (linked below), and try to figure out what you do well and what you might try to improve. Choose a specific suggestion in each section (studying, reading, and writing) that you will try to include in your future studying, reading, and writing.
Studying Questions | Points | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
1.) I study course material... (choose one) a.) several times a week, even if for short time periods. b.) once a week. c.) only before the test.
a.) +2 b.) +1 c.) +.5
2.) I study the lecture slides.... (choose all that apply) a.) before the lecture. b.) after the lecture. c.) before the test. d.) never.
a.) +1 b.) +1 c.) +.5 d.) 0
4.) During lectures and small group meetings I... (choose all that apply) a.) ask questions to help me better understand the material. b.) take notes by copying the slides. c.) take notes on the lectures slides or lecture outlines. d.) listen for clarifications and examples that are not on the lecture slides. e.) write or draw connections between ideas, slides, or key words. f.) none of the above.
a.) +2 b.) +.5 c.) +1 d.) +2 e.) +2 f.) 0
5.) If I have trouble
understanding material in the course, I...
a.) search the internet looking for alternative materials. b.) ask clarificatory questions about the material in class. c.) consult the materials cited by the readings or lecture. d.) look for articles by the figures discussed in class using one of the library databases. e.) go to office hours.
a.) +0 b.) +2 c.) +2 d.) +1
e.) +2
6.) I try to do most of my studying...
(Choose one) a.) alone b.) with friends c.) with study groups d.) in public places like restaurants or coffee shops e.) in front of the TV or listening to music |
a.) +2 c.) +1 d.) +1 e.) +1
Total points: | Possible Points: 36 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
is no one-size-fits-all set of practices for how best to study.
However, knowing just a little bit about how your brain works will help
you to maximize your study efforts. First, question #6 may
surprise you. The less information that you have to process, the
easier the learning and memory task becomes. If you put yourself
in a situation in which you have many distractions or increase the
amount of unrelated information that you have to process during
learning, such as social situations, the harder you make it for your
brain to focus upon and retain the relevant information.
Additionally, many factors affect memory
including mood, environment--even time of day. I'll briefly discuss
the three important elements of long-term learning and memory for facts and relate
them to the questions above. I will then discuss the distinction
between two different kinds of memory--what psychologists call
"declarative memory" and "procedural memory".
Remembering facts, Ideas, Concepts
Two Types of Memory In contrast, when one learns an
association or a procedure, one uses a non-declarative memory system.
Non-declarative memory is neither explicitly represented nor easily
accessible to consciousness. Moreover, encoding in non-declarative
memory involves modifications to specialized performance
The Memory Systems of the Brain
Reading Questions | Points | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1.) I read the assigned readings... (choose all that apply) a.) before the lecture. b.) after the lecture. c.) before the test. d.) never.
a.) +2
b.) +1 c.) +1 d.) 0 |
2.) I read the assigned readings... (choose all that apply) a.) never. b.) once. c.) more than once.
a.) 0 b.) +1 c.) +1
3.) When I read the course material I... (choose all that apply) a.) start by looking over the material noticing headings, sub-headings, bolded text, diagrams, etc.. b.) read the introductory and summary paragraphs. c.) use a highlighter and/or make textual notes. d.) try to outline the text as I read it. e.) just try to read it. f.) none of the above.
a.) +2 b.) +2 c.) +2 d.) +2 e.) +1 f.) 0
4.) When I come across a word or phrase in the text with which I'm unfamiliar, I... (choose all that apply) a.) just continue on, or stop reading. b.) try to determine its meaning from the context of the passage. c.) look up the meaning in the lexicon or other resource. d.) determine the word's meaning and review the sentence or passage so that I'm sure I understand it. e.) determine the word's meaning and then make a textual note about the meaning. f.) determine the word's meaning and then rewrite the sentence in my own words. g.) make a note of the word and its meaning for review.
a.) 0 b.) +1 c.) +1 d.) +2 e.) +2 f.) +2 g.) +2
Total points: | Possible Points: 25 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Explanation: People
often fail victim to two mistakes in thinking about reading. (1)
People tend to think of reading as an activity that is separate
from studying. (2) People tend to
think that reading comprehension should occur as you read, without any
preparation, active organization, or reflection and rehearsal.
Reading comprehension is greatest when the reader surveys the work first
and creates a road map or outline of the text, followed by reading the
text actively to improve and elaborate the original outline.
Consistent with what I outlined above about learning and memory, I
encourage people to follow the following advice about reading philosophy:
Writing Questions | Points | |
1.) In writing an answer to an in-class exam question, I... (choose all that apply) a.) start by carefully reading the entire question, marking important or familiar words and concepts. b.) start writing after reading the first sentence or prompt. c.) read all the questions, and start writing on the question with which I am most comfortable. d.) read the question, then consider how the question relates to the lectures on that topic.
a.) +1 b.) 0 c.) +1 d.) +1
2.) In writing an answer, I... (choose all that apply) a.) work out every detail of the answer in my head before writing. b.) work out a general outline of my answer before writing. c.) proceed through the question from prompt to prompt, writing the answer as I read each prompt.
a.) 0 b.) +1 c.) 0
3.) In writing an answer to the question, I... (choose all that apply) a.) try to illustrate my understanding of the material through the use of examples. b.) assume the professor knows what I'm talking about. c.) define all course-specific terms as part of my answer. d.) write my answer as a self-contained, concise essay any intelligent person could read and follow.
a.) +1 b.) 0 c.) +1 d.) +1
4.) After writing an answer, I... (choose all that apply) a.) move on to the next question. b.) read the answer looking for content errors, grammar errors, and unaddressed prompts. c.) read the answer twice; once for content errors and missing information, and once for grammar, spelling, and etc.. d.) read the answer, checking the answer against the question and my rough outline for completeness and correctness.
a.) 0 b.) +1 c.) +1 d.) +1
5.) If I have trouble
understanding material in the course of writing, I...
a.) search the internet looking for alternative materials. b.) ask clarificatory questions about the material in class. c.) consult the materials cited by the readings or lecture. d.) look for articles by the figures discussed in class using one of the library databases.
a.) 0 b.) +1 c.) +1 d.) +1
6.) I include a source
in my bibliography when...
a.) I quoted the from the source. b.) I paraphrased from the source. c.) never. d.) I found a result or example in the source. e.) I found the source helpful in formulating my answer, but didn't quote, paraphrase, or use any results or examples from the source.
a.) +1 b.) +1 c.) 0 d.) +1 e.) +1
Total points: | Possible Points: 17 | |
Explanation: Assuming
that you've studied, writing a good answer to a question has four steps.
(1) The first step in writing a good test
answer occurs long before you get the test. Writing is a skill.
You can improve your writing, just as you can improve your jump shot, by
focused practice. The more often you write, the more often you take
time to improve your writing, the easier writing will become, and the
better you will write. (2) The second
step to writing a good answer occurs before you start writing; you need to
build a road map for your answer using the question. As I said in
lecture, a good test question provides you with a road map for a good
answer. You should always start your writing by first carefully
reading the question, and using it to create a rough outline for your
answer. You shouldn't
try to write the complete, detailed answer in your head, you should just
know the general path you are going to follow. You can write out
your outline or do it in your head, but I find that it is best if you
write it out. (3)
Follow your road map in writing your answer. Once you have created
a road map for your answer, you should write out the answer. Again, don't
try to write a complete and perfect answer. Writing is a highly
demanding cognitive task. No one writes perfect, error-free prose
all the time. Instead,
you should breakdown your writing so that you're not trying to do
everything all at once. (4) Refine
your answer. Once you've generated your answer you should go back
and refine it. I encourage people to revise their paper multiple
times, and over an extended period. Write or rewrite, then take some
time away before trying to revise again. For each revision, I
suggest that students reread their answers twice;
once just looking for content issues, and once just looking for style, grammar and
spelling issues. Don't try to correct your style, grammar, spelling,
or content content issues while you read--just make a note of them
and continue reading. In refining content, it helps to compare your
answer to the road map you created to check for completeness. You
can often tell when reading that you don't fully understand an idea or
argument. Before rewiting, try to formulate questions to help
clarify the idea or argument in your mind, then go back to your notes and
course materials when you feel like you don't fully understand
something. You can also make a note to ask about the idea or
argument in class, look for the recommended supplemental sources, or look
up figures and articles mentioned in the course materials using one of the
university databases. You don't have to have a perfect understanding
of the idea before you start rewriting, you will often find that writing
will help to clarify the ideas. In general, I have
found that it helps to read your writing aloud when you check for grammar
and spelling issues. In an in-class test, you can't really read
aloud. However, here's another trick you might try: read your answer
backwards. Reading backwards forces your your brain to consider the
structure of sentences instead of content. You don't believe me?
Read the last few sentences of this explanation from end to beginning and
see if you don't find the mistake in one of them. Finally, you
should also try to keep your writing goal in mind as your work through
your answer. In writing test
answers, your goal is to write a concise, self-contained, and complete
answer that anyone might read and understand. Check to see if you
have examples for major ideas. For any terms that are specific to
the class or the topic, make sure you've given a brief definition.
Include quotes, but never use them as the sole means of exposition for any
idea. The lecture slides from the test taking lecture give you a systematic process (a-i) for carrying out steps (2)-(4). In doing your test answer revisions, I have you follow those steps. Here is a link to a citation guidelines page to further assist you. Wallis' Citation Guidelines.